JUST NOW: Mike Tyson REVEALS He Will TRAIN Manny Pacquiao For Floyd Mayweather FIGHT – FULL DETAILS BELOW | HO

Mike Tyson REVEALS He Will TRAIN Manny Pacquiao For Floyd Mayweather FIGHT

Dive into the explosive Mike Tyson vs. Floyd Mayweather feud with us! Explore why Tyson labels Mayweather a “FAKE FIGHTER” and discredits his boxing legacy.  From “money” fights to influencer boxing, Mayweather’s post-retirement exhibitions spark controversy. Is he tarnishing the sport’s authenticity?

Discover the real score behind Mayweather’s undefeated record and big-buck exhibitions. How does Iron Mike, a staunch critic, view these bouts? Are they disrespectful to boxing?

Subscribe now for more heated debates and insights into the Tyson-Mayweather saga. Stay updated on the clash of boxing titans and the essence of true boxing legacy!

Iron Mike Tyson weighs in on Mayweather-Pacquiao fight

As we inch ever closer to the epic Floyd Mayweather-Manny Pacquiao fight on May 2, people are starting to take sides.

Mike Tyson (who just celebrated the 30th anniversary of his first fight) is the latest to put in his two cents about what he thinks will happen in this welterweight fight for the ages.

Iron Mike Tyson weighs in on Mayweather-Pacquiao fight | FOX Sports

Iron Mike provided his expert analysis in a YouTube post (complete with jabbing visuals):

In the video, the former undisputed heavyweight champion of the world said those who gave Pacquiao the most trouble in the ring were fighters who “do more than 100 punches a round . . . Floyd doesn’t throw nowhere near 100 punches a round. He’s more scientific about it . . . he plots a lot and he sits around.”

Tyson described Pacquiao as a pugilist in “perpetual motion.” “Pac-Man’s all over the place,” Tyson said. “[Floyd’s] gonna lose the round if he lays back . . . You gotta come out punching.”

Though don’t expect Tyson to pull a 50 Cent and bet on it.

“I don’t have the money,” Tyson told TMZ Sports.

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