With the change in how men should look today, chest hair seems to have disappeared, but should we really remove it?

superman henry cavill

Henry Cavill Courtesy

Chest hair has never been to Hollywood’s taste. If you think about it, none of Marvel’s superheroes have it, nor do the Fast and Furious guys , nor Ryan Gosling . The only one who maybe has a little is Henry Cavill. It seems that, although people are very much on the side of beards, they apparently believe that the torso should be kept “clean.” But does this really reflect what women like?

Despite the taste of Hollywood, in pop culture chest hair remained a constant of masculinity (at least until a few years ago). It was part of men and at a certain point the idea that women liked “hairy” men became popular .

So what is the reality?

According to a survey of more than 1,000 women by Tools of Men, 20% of women see it as unattractive, while 33% were indifferent to chest hair (that is, they don’t care if there is or not). Another conducted by Men’s Magazine found that only 20% like their partner to have a chest without a single hair, in addition to finding that the majority preferred a hairless one to one with chest hair.

jason momoa aquaman
Jason Momoa Courtesy
In general, surveys show that there are both women who don’t care , and who – in some cases – would prefer someone without hair on their chest, but also that there is a percentage who see it as completely sexy , or at least to some extent ( yes there can be too much).

So it’s practically a bet. There are women who like it and others who don’t, and some will not be interested.

To delve deeper into this, we asked some women we knew close to us, and in general the answer was the same. Some said they preferred someone without hair and the others could see it as unimportant. However, many agreed that it was annoying when men had and tried to “show it off” with open shirts, in cases where the hair they have is too much.

Most of those who said they liked chest hair said they had no problem with it, but a few said it was exaggerated and that it was like an unremarkable masculine neckline.

So in the end it depends on the taste of each woman . To some extent we recommend not removing it if you have it, since many women will like it. If you have too much, perhaps a trim wouldn’t hurt, and if you are one of those who decides to take it off, that’s fine too. In the end it’s better what you feel comfortable with, and if your partner doesn’t mind, then even better.