Zack Snyder, Henry Cavill

Zack Snyder’s vision for Superman can easily be called one of the most controversial takes on the character. While there is certainly a swarm of fans who would do anything to see Henry Cavill take on the role again, there is no denying that this take was not very accurate. There were several aspects of the character that were left out, and new additions were made that fans were not happy with.

Henry Cavill in Zack Snyder's Man of Steel I HBOHenry Cavill in Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel I Warner Bros.
The darkness that he held within himself was one of the most concerning changes for fans. At the same time, the character’s powers and abilities were kept as accurate as possible. While this may have been the case in the final product of the character across three films, the original plan seemed to have been a lot different.

During an interview, Snyder revealed his true ending for the character, and many fans would be upset with an ability he almost put into the films.

Zack Snyder’s Original Plan For Superman

Zack Snyder once gave an interview with GQ, where he talked about some of his most iconic films of all time. Naturally, he touched on his work for the DC Universe, starting with Man of Steel, moving on to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and finally talking about Zack Snyder’s Justice League. The original version of the final film has been regarded as one of the most controversial films in the franchise.
DC fans believe Henry Cavill's Superman would defeat The Avengers by himselfHenry Cavill as Superman. I Warner Bros.
With the mass outrage over the directorial cut, it was revealed that the film was finished by Joss Whedon, who strayed very far from Snyder’s original vision. During the interview, the Rebel Moon director talked about how he originally wanted to end the story for Superman’s character, and it is safe to say that many would be surprised.

He was going to have to succumb to the Anti-life, be destroyed, turn the clock back, and then get his chance for this battle against Darkseid. If you will… that would have finished his trilogy of becoming this guardian, and sort of, return him to his humanity.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of JusticeHenry Cavill in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) | Warner Bros. Pictures
While talking about a painful arc for Henry Cavill’s character and his eventually becoming the purest version of himself, Snyder casually mentioned a seemingly insignificant detail that would have changed the entire DC Universe. The filmmaker stated that Superman would have to ‘turn the clock back’ to get another chance to fight Darkseid.

While he did not elaborate further on what he meant by the statement, it could be possible that he was hinting that Cavill’s character would have been able to time-travel by the end of the movie.

Superman—A Master of Time

The concept of time travel is not new to the DC Universe, be it in comics, TV series, or movies. The Flash is most famous for messing up timelines and then struggling to clean up the mess. So much so, that Flash Point has become one of the most infamous points in the entire franchise. Many other characters also have the same ability, however, Superman is one who is rarely shown using it.
Henry Cavill as Superman in Man of Steel | Warner BrosHenry Cavill as Superman in Man of Steel | Warner Bros
According to some instances in the DC Universe, if someone can run (or fly) fast enough, they would be able to travel through time. Since it has been mentioned in several comics that Superman is close to Flash’s speed, it would not be impossible for him to time-travel.
Christopher Reeve suited up as SupermanChristopher Reeve as Superman | Warner Bros.
In fact, it is one of the lesser-mentioned abilities of the character, last seen in Christopher Reeve’s Superman: The Movie, where Clark Kent had to change history by going around the earth extremely fast. While Snyder may have had a different plan in mind, for relating to Kent’s past compared to the world, the addition would have certainly been an interesting one.

However, putting such a plot in a movie that introduces Flash could have been quite a controversial decision and would have easily made some fans unhappy.