As far as superhero films are concerned, the aura of the character is not just in the powers they possess but also in their appearance. The costume, therefore, is a key component that adds to the appeal of these icons from the comic book world. From Marvel’s Spider-Man to DC’s Superman, costume designers in Hollywood have pushed the envelope to bring out the nuances of these characters.
Tobey MaguireTobey Maguire in Spider-Man (image credit: Columbia Pictures)
Designer James Acheson has proved that he is the authority in this regard, having designed Tobey Maguire’s 2002 suit for Spider-Man and Henry Cavill’s Man of Steel costume. While Zack Snyder’s chequered relationship with audiences restricted some fans from appreciating the modern Superman suit, the realization that both these outfits were designed by the same person, is making them look at these costumes in a new light.

Netizens Are Reassessing The Superman Suit Worn By Henry Cavill For This Reason

Zack Snyder’s aesthetic as a filmmaker has been a double-edged sword in a sense. While the director has a big fan base of ardent followers who admire his work, he has also invited criticisms from sections of the audience for his bold cinematic choices and execution.
Henry cavill Henry Cavill in Man Of Steel (image credit: Warner Brothers)
In 2013, Snyder took a departure from the original iconic Superman suit worn by Christopher Reeve to create a slick, edgy, and modern look for Henry Cavill in Man of Steel. Oscar-winning costume designer James Acheson, along with Michael Wilkinson, were roped in for this purpose.

In an interview with Laist, the designers spoke of the process by which they zoned in on the risky choice of doing away with the famous red underpants that the character is synonymous with, which they felt, was outdated for the current aesthetic of the character. Speaking of referring to images of circus performers and weightlifters, they stated,

“The weightlifters and the strongmen had this look of wearing early wool jersey tights with their shorts over the top. How are we going to resolve those silly red underpants? So we went through dozens and dozens of drawings. They pretty much just got smaller and smaller until they weren’t there on the illustration and that was the look we decided to go with.”

Incidentally, Acheson was also the pioneer in designing the famous Spider-Man suit for Tobey Maguire in Sam Raimi’s 2002 film ( via Wikipedia), which was universally appreciated by fans across the world. Now, with the knowledge that both these costumes were created by the same person, viewers are reassessing criticisms for Zack Snyder’s work on social media.

Apart from nailing the superhero look for Cavill and Maguire, Acheson is known for his work on films like The Last Emperor, Dangerous Liaisons, and Restoration, for which he earned Academy awards.

How Zack Snyder Knew Henry Cavill Was The Perfect Superman

While British star Henry Cavill became synonymous with Superman in the DCU, he was not Zach Snyder’s only choice to play the celebrated superhero in his film Man of Steel. The director shortlisted many popular names from Hollywood as probables to play the character, including Armie Hammer, Matthew Goode, and Joe Manganiello, among others.
Henry cavillHenry Cavill in Superman vs Batman: Dawn of Justice (image credit: DC)
Snyder, though, ultimately cast Cavill for the part as he was dissatisfied with the final look of the other stars in the Superman suit. Speaking of his reasons for choosing Cavill and why he turned out to be the perfect choice, Snyder said (via Entertainment Weekly),

“He walked out, and no one laughed. Other actors put that suit on, and it’s a joke, even if they’re great actors. Henry put it on, and he exuded this kind of crazy-calm confidence that just made me go ‘Wow.’ Okay: This was Superman. If you can put on that suit and pull it off that’s an awesome achievement,”

The Watchmen director’s final decision to cast The Witcher star as Superman paid rich dividends with the actor being hailed as one of the best choices to play the DC superhero among all the other stars who had earlier portrayed the character.